
Spork: Birth of the Bitch (Part 2)

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"You bitch!" She screams from behind me.

Erik: Marie?
Creep: *jumps from chair* AHHH! We’re already starting out with swears!

That's my name, please don't wear it out. I think to myself as I walk farther away from her,

Erik: Who?
Creep: The only thing I remember is that the story’s all in Brid’s POV; maybe it’s Marie.

prepared to go find Xavier and get the hell out of here. I hate this place. I'm just about to stomp through the holographic doors when I hear her spew even more nonsense.

Creep: Look, more references on how they’re living the future world!
Erik: Better than nothing.
Creep: That was actually a compliment, Erik.
Erik: Ooooh...sorry usually when you use the word “reference”, it’s an insult. XD
Creep: References are good when done RIGHT. XD

"You're just jealous of me!" She spits. "Because I'm prettier than you and smarter! You've always been jealous because the crowd loved me more than you at those football games! That I have the better body! No one loves you."

Erik: Sounds like Marie.
Creep: Yep, it’s Marie.

None of it phases me, but I stop anyway. You can't backtalk me on my territory. I turn around at her and glare.

Her last sentence drips into my veins like lead. "You're jealous… Because I still have my Dad and you don't. Germ girl."

Erik: “Germ girl”?
Creep: That’s the best insult she has? Then again, this IS Marie; I don’t expect her to suddenly grow enough brain cells to make a witty remark.

That hits a nerve. I turn around and stop right back to her. I take her stupid tiny salad that she's eating (but will probably end up throwing up)

Erik: Oooohhhh...that explains the tube figure....
Creep: She eats a TINY salad? Apparently even veggies are too fatten for Marie to eat.

and I dump it on her head. Her face is priceless.

Creep: Crowning Moment of Awesome.

I get right into her face. "You never mention my father again, you whore. You're off the squad, turn in your uniform promptly and never call me Germ Girl again." With that, I shove the rest of her lunch into her lap and stalk off to my locker. I'm going to get my things, going home and try not to think of the ugly words this stupid girl threw in my face.

Erik: WOOOOOO!!! Hell yeah! Go Bridgette! XD
Creep: *claps* Bryan would be proud...fuck, I know he’s proud. =3

But she's making me remember things that I have shoved into the recesses of my brain long ago. No one particularly liked me in grade school, and being without a father figure felt worse without someone supporting me besides my Mom. Every stinking day I had to go to school, knowing that people were going to tease me about my father.

Erik: Maybe I’m being insensitive...but not having a Father isn’t all that uncommon. I don’t have a Father, really. Do you, CreepE?
Creep: Nope.

One person even told me that my Daddy wasn't here because he didn't want me anymore. I cried so hard that day that I had to be sent home. It wasn't easy. And this girl just poked a very soft, very vulnerable part of me. And I don't take kind to anything like that.

Creep: Still, Marie dissing her Dad is still a Jerkass move and still worthy of getting lunch dumped on her.

Xavier is there at my locker, a look of concern on his face. He must have seen the lunch incident. I can tell by the crease in his forehead and the way his eyes scan for a meltdown. He's only seen me break down once, and that when he and I were cleaning out my closet and I found my father's Army jacket. I can feel the tears stinging my eyes but it's a feeling that I have felt before. And I won't let the tears appear.

Bridgette: I’m cold as ICEEEEEEEE and I’m gonna keep it that way!
Erik: ...You keep saying that. Is that a reference or an internet meme I am missing?
Creep: Nostalgia Critic reference. XD

"I'm going home." I state as I pack up my books. "I can't do this today."

Xavier nods gravely and pats my back reassuringly. "You need to go home. Get some sleep. I'll stop by later." We would hug, but people are watching.

Creep: Awwwww.
Erik: ...Hug him! >.<
Creep: She’s like an alternate version of a way.
Erik: ...This does remind me of an early RP. XD

Before he can say more, he's swallowed up by the crowd and I'm left alone.

I give myself five seconds to refocus on my keeping my composure and breathing. I put one foot in front of the other as I face the student body. Most of them stop me and try to talk to me, but I explain to them how I'm feeling. They all hope that I get better, even though I know they're celebrating that I'm leaving for the rest of the day. It hurts, acting so loved but yet being so hated.

Erik: Wait, how does she know she’s hated again?
Creep: She OUTCAST. =3 *hums a fake theme song* Well, Erik, considering that she just dumped food all over the most popular girl in school, other students are probably gonna see her as a jerk for doing it.
Erik: Mmmm right...fuck with Marie and everyone else can grab their pitchforks and attack.
Creep: No one gets away hurting the Queen Bee without being stung by their Drones.

I explain to the nurse how I'm feeling, making sure to act extra sick. She nods her sympathy, checks my temperature (which I'm surprised to see that I'm actually running a bit of one) then she calls my Mom to tell her that I'm coming home early. I'm surprised by how the nurse lets me go so easily, but I don't bother to ask as I walk out the doors.

Erik: Reminds me of my school days.
Creep: Mine too.

Mom used to tell me how different Danville used to be before the Flynn-Fletcher brothers began inventing all of these amazing things that changed the world. Marie's father, he's the Flynn brother. And Thomas Dad is the Fletcher brother. They're not related at all, but the families are real close.

Erik: A feel a comment could be added here, but I’m not quite sure what to say.

Kind of like how someone's Dad might have a coworker that they think of as a brother.

Bridgette: It’s weird how they don’t do that cool stuff anymore...might explain why the world’s so crappy nowadays....

I didn't know Marie or Thomas until freshman year of high school. They both stuck out like sore thumbs, what with their fathers and all.

Erik: ...Origin story? =3

Both of them were plenty rich; meanwhile, most of our other families were average income. Therefore, their differences made them the black sheep of the high school community. That, and they were gifted in inventing; the apple fell close to the tree on these two.

Creep: Accurate....although, we STILL don’t know what Phineas and Ferb did to get rich anyway....but that’s more on the Queens’ fault than Ally’s.
Phineas: Welfare abuse. Ferb gets a bunch of big checks from the government for doing nothing. This way he has more time to sit around all day and play Robo Smash 3.

Now when I first saw Thomas, I didn't like him. His hair was too long, his features too perfect, and how socially awkward he seemed. He mostly spent his time in a book or writing music.

Bridgette: Being genetic and know how he is.
Erik: ...Well to be fair, you seem to have your own social problems.
Bridgette: Touche.

But he grew on me; his presence started to send electric jolts down my spine and my chest tightened around him.

Creep: Innuendo?
Erik: ...Ummmm....OK? Anything in particular that got your horses running?
Creep: Weird....

I wanted to be with him all the time.

Erik: ...Why?

But that wasn't the case with him. He's nice,

Erik: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--*cough cough* continue.

in a gentlemanly way, but always a safe distance away, like he was holding me out at arm's length. I never got close enough to know anything about him.

Creep: Even though Marie’s trying to keep you away from Thomas while hunting for her own boyfriend. Being an unfair bitch, you know?
Erik: I’m confused. You say you don’t like him based off his appearance and you don’t even know him what got Bridgette to like Thomas? Both the outside and the inside doesn't seem possible as she detests one and is ignorant to the other.

But him and Marie—they're a totally different subject. They're practically joined at the hip; one doesn't move without the other. Football games, parties, even at school, I usually don't see them separated. The only time when I see Thomas without Marie is in fifth hour- biology.

Bridgette: Marie draws doodles of her and Thomas making out and crap; ughhhh, if it wasn’t for the teacher, Marie would whine the whole damn period about missing Thomas.
Erik: ...Why ARE they always together? They keep going on and oooon how much they “don’t like each other.”
Creep: Ally said she knows some bits on how they’re together, but she promised Ely not to reveal it. Frankly, it’s good thing to not learn it from someone else than the authors.
Erik: We all know why they are together.
Creep: Well no, the “legit” reason outside of Melty’s comment.
Erik: ...Still this has got to look weird:

Thomas: ...I hate you, but I am going to spend all of my free time around you.
Marie: And I think you’re creepy and weird, but I will never leave your side.

Creep: Again, Thomarie’s the root of all evil. Xavier/Brid FTW.
Erik: Fuck, I’d rather place Marie with Fred if she had to get with someone. Seeing how Fred looks nothing like his parents, he’s probably a step-cousin too...but fuck at least he wasn’t her “cousin” from birth.
Creep: He could be related, considering Jeremy’s cousin was brown-haired....he could have gotten his look for--fuck it, I’m not trying to insert logic here. >.<
Erik: Well since red hair and blond hair are both recessive traits and Xavier and Amanda are--actually, you’re right, fuck it.
Creep: It’s fuckin’ Marie; there’s no logic. Just bullshit.

But when I see Thomas standing outside of the school, strumming on his guitar without her, my heart nearly stops. I stand out right in front of him. He doesn't see me at first; he just stares down at his guitar, plucking soft sad notes that leave needles embedded into my skin. I feel electrified by his presence; I feel alive.

Erik: like him because he can play the guitar?
Creep: That’s kinda....shallow.
Erik: I think it’s between “He plays the guitar” and “I’m a teenage girl...I kinda don’t know why”. It’s cheap, really, but a step above what we have before.
Creep: Frankly, it’s better than Thomarie’s reason....oh wait, we don’t have a reason for them.
Erik: Incest is the reason. Do not defy the all knowing Melty!!!

He obviously hasn't had any sleep in awhile. There are dark, purple bruises under his eyes, his dark hair plastered to his forehead.

Thomas: I punch myself every night to make me more tragic for the ladies.
Erik: Bruises? That’s not sleep deprivation, that’s domestic abuse.
Creep: Vanessa must have cracked about his crush on Marie.
Erik: That or Ferb has a hidden dark side....XD
Ferb: …..*eyes glow red*

His tall frame curls into his instrument. He looks up at me and I see the small flicker of what could only be hatred in his eyes, then it's replaced by a tiredness as old as time.

Thomas: Hate makes the world go ‘round.
Erik: ...Why does Thomas hate her exactly?
Creep: From most pictures, I see annoyance at best, not hatred. Either that’s exaggerated or Paola doesn’t know the difference between “hated” and “annoyed” means.

"Hey, Bridgette." He drags my name out like a funeral hymn, but his voice is so sweet and gravelly that I don't really care. I find myself suspended to my spot, watching him curiously. But then another something pops into my head, making me almost dizzy with jealousy.

Creep: Marie is the root of evil.

"Where's Marie?" I say a little too rudely, but I could really care less. Something painful crosses Thomas's face and it's all I can take to stop from rushing to him, to kiss his pain away.

Erik: 0.0

I feel guilty about bringing her up, because something must have happened between them. Something unpleasant.

Creep: It couldn’t have been them breaking up. Something like, “we tried doing it....but we couldn’t do it right.”

"Well… Nothing." He shakes his head. "Just a bit of a misunderstanding is all." He looks away from me, which only confirms what I know: that it isn't just a misunderstanding. But I won't say a thing, no matter how bitchy I'm feeling.

Erik: ...God I want to add something witty here.
Creep: Sympathy for the Devil?

I try to make myself look as sympathetic as I can be


, even though I'm really screaming with joy on the inside that those two are finally away from each other. "I'm sorry, Thomas. I hope things between you guys get better."


He looks up at me, and he buys it! I can tell because of the small smile that crosses his face.

Erik: ...You lie. Thomas doesn’t smile. That’s crazy talk.
Creep: Barely.
Erik: Can you recall one picture?
Creep: Off the top of my head?
Erik: Wait NVM, I remembered. The one with him drooling over Marie’s breasts like an ape.
Creep: And another one with Steve IV or whatever number it is.

His fingers stop playing and he sets down his guitar. "Thanks. Where are you going? Fifth hour is going to start any minute. Lunch is just finishing up." He gets a good look at me, possibly trying to predict what I say next. This isn't the first time people have tried predicting me; but I know how to spin words just right.

Bridgette: I’m a master of lying and fake sympathy.
Creep: And still I feel more for Brid than Marie or Thomas. In fact, Byran was right; Marie is perfect for an antagonistic role. XD

The lies, the tall tales I can weave are so intricate and believable, I find myself sometimes wondering if they were real stories after all. But I don't want Thomas to know about the lunch incident; he can figure it out later.

Erik: Aren’t they all teens? XD

"I… I'm going home. Not feeling too well." I hold my head in mock pain, but Thomas seems to believe me, as everyone else does.

Bridgette: As I said....the MASTER. =3

"I hope you get to feeling better." He mumbles.

Another little idea pops into my head. "Say, Thomas, do you have a date to the dance?" I ask attentively. But I still screw up royally; he cringes yet again.

Creep: I feel bad...for Brid; she’s wasting her time with this donut-puncher. >.>
Erik: Man, does he need to be such an ass about it?
Creep: And people like him. Odd, I feel like hating him, but not as much as my hate for Marie.
Erik: In sickness and in health, my hatred will always be for you, my beloathed Marie.</3 

"No…" He whispers. He begins to throw his guitar over his shoulder. "I need to go. At this rate I'm going to be so late to fifth hour. See you later Bridgette." He runs from me like somebody running from the devil, which I guess might just be me.

Thomas: If only you were my long-lost sister, I could have taken you.

I turn away from him, the pain still fresh in my heart. Just another scar. Add that to the list of them that's continuously growing.

Creep: You can’t believe my sympathy for Brid, bro. You just can’t.
Erik: ...Again, why did he need to be an ass about it?


After school, Xavier comes over to see me. I lie on the sofa, drifting between dreamland and reality, my heart numbed from my encounter with Thomas. Most of my dreams were night terrors of my father being blown up or tortured by a group of terrorists. When Xavier finds me, I'm trembling.

Creep: Awww.
Erik: ...Damn this is pretty dark for P&F. Let alone Marie. XD

He gathers me in his arms. "Hey, stop that." I know he's trying to lighten the mood, but the obvious concern that's in his voice makes me remember that he's never seen me actually tremble before. I close my eyes and listen to his heart beat, strong and easy, as I try to take quick breaths.

Creep: Again, a worthy boyfriend! He cares for you, tries to make you feel better...and compared to Thomas, seem to like you.
Erik: C’mon Bridgette, it’s not that hard...

*gestures to Thomas, who looks and smells like a bum and to Xavier, with angel wings and a halo*
Xavier: Stay with me, Brid. I will love you forever and ever. We can get married and have kids and I will get a job to take care of you. <3
Thomas: ...Bite me. *middle finger*

Creep: Xavier’s such a Woobie.

But the nightmares are still fresh and it hurts to even move.

Creep: She might need therapy at this point. No offense, but if her crush on Thomas is this hindering, she might need some genuine help to move on.

"Bridgette?" He's combing his fingers through my hair and eventually I give up and let this wounded animal sound out of my mouth as I pull Xavier to me. I'm shaking like a leaf.

Creep: Random noise?
Erik: I assume it’s some sort of distress noise or something.
Creep: Like a wounded puppy?

I get like this sometimes. I don't know why, but I do. I used to have a therapist, but we dropped her because money was low, but she told me it could have something to do with abandonment issues.

Creep: Money is the root of all evil; preventing the treatment Bridgette obviously needs.
Marie: *prances happily in her money piles* <3
Creep: Oh my you think Phineas had an affair....with money?!
Phineas: It’s time to get undressed, Marie. We need to take our money bath! =D

After my Dad went MIA, my mother for the longest of times would be locked in this world of complete darkness. Some days she would be fine, but other days she wouldn't even get out of bed. She'd lay there, staring at her cell phone, never answering her calls. Her breath would always come ragged and short. Those days I never felt more alone in my life.

Phil is what brought her back to the real world,

Phineas: PHILLIP!!!! =’(
Creep: Callback. XD

and when she became pregnant with Nathan, it was as if she were reborn. The color returned to her cheeks. The light in her eyes shone. Yet there were still days where I could tell she was putting on her brave face, that she wasn't really ready to battle the day. But she still did it. For the sake of Nathan and Phil... and I guess me.

Creep: Mental problems are genetic. I had no idea Katie had some serious problems behind the scenes.....
Erik: I will never be able to see Katie the same way again.

But sometimes I wonder if I wasn't enough. Sometimes I wonder if Mom had never met Phil, would she still be stuck in those days? Those days where she couldn't look at me? Those days where I had to cook my own meals, do my own laundry, because she was lost to me? Those days where I had to be the adult?

Creep: Time for an AU!

I don't know. I just don't know.

During "Those Days" were also the beginning of my night terrors and the panic attacks.

Creep: Damn, therapy’s expensive nowadays that someone with obvious problems is left to deal with them alone.

Usually, I can tell when one is coming on. I can't concentrate or focus on our subject, my heart beats so loud and fast that I can't hear anything above it and my palms sweat and shake. It would get so severe that the tremors would make me lose control of my limbs, like I was fighting something off of me. At first in grade school, I couldn't really tell if I were going to lose it or not, which only brought on more ridicule when I got one in class. But as I grew older, I would know when one was coming on and excuse myself to the nurse's office. Most of the time, I didn't go to the nurse; I locked myself in a bathroom stall and waited until I was ready to come outside.

Erik: How did she end up popular again?
Creep: …*shrug*

Finally, I manage to stop shaking and my heart slows down. It feels so nice now that I am surrounded by Xavier's arms and not the bathroom stall. He smells like grass and cinnamon, and his heart beats so steadily, lean, hard muscle, pumping blood into his veins. When he looks at me, I feel a sense of calm rush through my body. Once again, Xavier has pulled me out of the darkness and into what I can only call the light.

Erik: *hint hint* Go with Xavier. Thomas is a douche.
Creep: Again, Xavier/Brid: the only good thing in the Marie universe.

"You scared me to death." He laughs breathlessly, and I manage a laugh too. He finally tangles himself free from our grasp and leaves, only to return with a cup of pomegranate tea, my absolute favorite drink.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I say as I take a huge gulp of my drink. Warm tea is so calming. A smile crosses my lips.

He's silent for awhile. But then he says, "I ought to go teach that girl a lesson or two. Her bringing up your father like that was just downright cruel. I... But I don't have the guts." He deflates like a balloon.

Erik: Xavier’s gonna beat up Marie? This I have got to see...
Creep: This is gonna be awesome. Want some popcorn, bro? =3
Erik: *chew*
Creep: *drinks soda*

I shake my head. "No, that wouldn't do any good to you. Besides, it was a number of things that brought... this on." It feels like only seconds that I finish off my tea. I'm just about to stand up to put it in the sink but Xavier takes it for me. His face his serious, oddly.

"I don't want you getting up just yet. You scared the crap out of me, Brid." He gently puts his hand on my shoulder and pushes me down so I sit back down onto the couch. "What else made you... upset?"

This is going to be tough, lying to Xavier. But when I talk about Thomas, he clams up and gets quiet, like talking about his cousin just shuts him down completely. Which I can't blame him for.

Erik: ...Nor can I.
Creep: Very few people can’t.

Besides, thinking about Thomas is too painful. Forget about talking about him. I shuffle and stare down at my shoes.

"On my way home... I saw a guy in an Army outfit walking down the street." I could say he looked like my Dad, but that might be pushing it with Xavier. I make sure to be staring down at the floor, hugging myself.

Creep: Now you’re lying to the only guy who likes and understands you?

I'm not sure if he accepts this, but since I'm obviously fragile at the moment he doesn't question me. He hugs me again, and I swear something inside me breaks, like glass. This day has just turned to crap, and the only person in this world that cares is the boy that's holding me now.

Narrator: Will Bridgette get over Thomas? Will Xavier live happily ever after with the girl he likes? Will Marie get pummelled brutally by her own cousin? Tune in next time on, “Birth of a Bitch”!


Creep: Well...that was interesting.
Erik: Aye....the explanation was a little....odd, I suppose. It seemed to be more-or-less “I don’t know”
Creep: I do find this a little bit better than the last chapters, especially Marie seeming more like an antagonist and getting lunch dumped on her.
Erik: Yeah, this chapter managed to cover Marie quit well. I haven’t seen her so accurately represented since we sporked Ash.
Creep: Although I like this version better with someone actually OPPOSES Marie being a bitch, unlike Ash’s stories which....everyone like her...except Perry. But then again, Perry doesn’t do much to Marie but rant. Bridgette dumps food on her.
Erik: Well...In a sense, they both had their form of realism. Ash’s was more realistic to the series where everyone just takes Marie’s crap and Ally was more realistic a real person would respond to Marie’s crap. XD
Creep: Indeed. Well done, Ally. =3
Erik: I am eager to continue with the rest of this and see how it all turns out. But, alas, this is all we have for now...and that douchebag is still sucking up the bandwidth.
Creep: What douchebag?
Erik: I’m at school and this douchebag is sucking up all the damn bandwidth to blast his shitty music.
Creep: Sorry. ^^; Back to the doc?
Erik: I gotta go to class. Will be in the doc in about 2 hours. In the meantime, submit the spork, kay?
Creep: K, bro. PEACE!
Even the most tolerable OCs have some pretty rocky starts.


Story © =Orthgirl123
Spork © ~CreepECrawlyMan & !DarkestLinkEAI
© 2012 - 2024 CreepECrawlyMan
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Phinanie's avatar
Actually, according to this one Marie story I read on, Phineas is a self-imployed inventer, Isabella took Eliza's place since she's (Eliza) dead, Ferb's mayor of Danville, and no one know's what Vanessa does.

Phineas: *reffering to Vanessa* What does she do for a living?
Ferb: … I don't ask because I fear for my life.

Of course, since this was writen by a random fan and not a queen we can't really count it as an actual Marie Universe fact.